Golden stripes Skvorcov


To induce deep sleep. It works against fatigue and negative environmental influences.

SKU: 1585 Category:


Product Description

Spatial generators-reorganizers were created according to the EPAM vibration technology by Albert Vasilyevich Skvortsov and Elizaveta Vsevolodovna Khmelinskaya. There are several variants of reorganizers. All reorganizers are made using thin vibration technologies. When you use the reorganizer, you connect to the EPAM technology egregor and the information-energy field of its creators, adherents and collaborators.


To induce deep sleep, place an energy blanket with generators under the bed. It works against fatigue and negative environmental influences.

Package size

4 suns


EPAM sdružení, Vysoká 1020, 760 01 Zlín, Czech Republic